Overview of Direct Services & Programs Provided by CCSTB:
-Mustard Seed Food & Clothing Distribution
-Media Lab
Mustard Seed Distribution Program
The Mustard Seed Food Distribution Program runs a Food Pantry and a Clothing Bank that distribute donated household goods, non-perishable foods, hygiene products, and clothes to the community. It also provides advocacy and referrals, and links residents (including those with special needs) to area resources so that their needs can be met.
The Clothes Distribution is Monday through Friday from 10AM - 3PM. The Mustard Seed Food Distribution Program currently operates Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 AM – 3 PM BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. An appointment is needed to receive food; this appointment will be set up when the client fills out the application form for participation in the Food Pantry. Clients are also requested to bring their own box to collect their food.
While clothes are available to anyone, if you want to receive food from this program, you must either qualify through USDA income eligibility guidelines or demonstrate membership in certain government programs such as TANF, food stamps, or disability assistance. These are the current income guidelines for receiving food:
USDA Food For Seniors Commodities Program
Low-income senior citizens age 60 and older can now sign up to receive free monthly food supplies through the Food For Families Program. Participating seniors will receive a food box on the 3rd Friday of every month. PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY SENIORS WHO PARTICIPATE IN THE MUSTARD SEED FOOD PROGRAM WILL GET THE USDA BOX INSTEAD OF GOING THROUGH THE PANTRY ON THE THIRD WEEK OF THE MONTH.
The contents of the food boxes may vary from month to month, but will usually include items like evaporated milk or dry milk, juice, cereal, canned meat, canned fruits and vegetables, potatoes or rice or pasta, peanut butter or dried beans, and cheese.
To enroll in the program, seniors must provide proof of their birthdate, proof of a Louisiana address, and proof of income. The income limits for this program are:
St Bernard Parish organizations participating in the Food For Families Program include the Community Center of St Bernard, First Baptist Church of Chalmette, and Christian Fellowship Worship Center. Seniors wishing to sign up for the program may bring their documentation to these locations during the following times:
- Community Center of St Bernard, 1111 LeBeau St, Arabi on Monday-Friday from 10 AM – 4 PM.
- First Baptist Church of Chalmette, 305 E St Bernard Hwy (Rear Entrance), Chalmette on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 AM - Noon
- Christian Fellowship Worship, 5816 E Judge Perez, Violet on Tuesday, and Thursday from 9am-1:00pm. On the 3rd Thursday of each month the office will be closed. You can call (504) 957-1791 to set an appointment.
Please note that participants may register at only 1 location and will pick up their food box from the location where they are registered. The distribution dates are always the third Friday of each month. Seniors who are already enrolled in the Food For Seniors Program in Orleans or Jefferson Parishes and who wish to transfer their pickup sites to a St Bernard location should talk to staff at the St Bernard enrollment sites.
Since 1970, the Food For Families Program has been Louisiana’s Commodity Supplemental Food Program. The Louisiana program is currently the largest in the country, and is designed to improve the diets and health of targeted groups of low-income individuals throughout the state. Food for Families is a collaborative effort of Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans, the United States Department of Agriculture, and Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals.
For more information about the Food For Seniors/Food For Families Program, please phone 1-800-522-3333.